The United Arab Emirates has a rich tradition of indigenous handicrafts that includes weaving, basketry, tailoring, and pottery. At the Women’s Handicraft Centre in Abu Dhabi, Emirati women are ensuring these skills are preserved by practising techniques that are passed down from mothers to daughters for generations. Handicrafts made at the workshop include several traditional forms of weaving. Talli is the delicate embroidery using metallic threads and silk to make the shimmery trims that adorn formal robes. Other techniques include al sadu, tribal weaving with wool and cotton yarn; and khoos, a form of basketry in which date palm fronds are braided together. These crafts demand patience and dedication to master. A group of ladies will sit together and weave throughout the week, hoping to sell some of their creations through the centre. The centre provides coaching lessons to anyone who is interested in learning traditional Emirati handicrafts. The artisans recognize the value in protecting their cultural heritage, and take pride in their craft. (Khushnum Bhandari/ The National News)